Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy Camping to look forward too

so far we have missed out on camps last year and the year before one due to late registration and as so many have been on the list and well it looks like 2011 is going to be a fun one already, we just got notification to attend our First Camp Quality Camp soon and we are now just hoping school and pre-school do not expose us to anything which will cancel these events as well, like the 3 Christmas parties cancelled due to 2 chicken pox exposures, but I could never expose a sick child so I did what I would like others to do if we were still on the treatment side.

the girls are also on the list for their first 4-8 years camp so hope they like the time away from Mum and dad for 2 nights I am scared about this but think it will be good for them and us we do not get me time very often but do miss them when they are not with us ♥♥♥

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