Wednesday, June 8, 2011

School excursion for Alex

today Alex went on excursion and she wanted me to go to as alot of the parents went today, but as we get paid tomorrow I could not :( even though she was upset she had a great day with her class mates, prep to grade 3 they went to a zoo and got to see lots of animals.

last Friday Alex got her flu shot and I got my results, all is good but I have low blood counts and low iron  now need more tests to see why I am anaemic, but they have to wait, we had a 4 hour wait this arvo due to being bumped but the last one to bump us was a baby coughing who I would have volunteered to step back for this child, they should have gone straight to emergence as she could not breath when she was coughing, I hope she is ok ♥

Alex got upset when it came to needle time and they did a gentleman before us she was screaming by her turn so the nurse did it quick. all good we get to go home for dinner and then bed. On Monday morning while I was talking to the Councillor i get a call from the medical centre and this is a first scared its about my results but No its about Alex who they gave the wrong Vaccination to on Friday. OMG off all the people they stuffed hers up :(  so I had to take her back in that afternoon, The Dr had wrote the correct script but the nurse was in a hurry to go home Grrr, Alex was a trooper and cried and was upset but she was calmer than on the Friday, The Dr was so sorry about the mistake and lucky it was a shot that would not cause any issues ( either whooping cough or Chicken pox vaccination )  Alex has her standard bark (cough) back again and no other issues I am not worried as the chest X-Ray was clear too and she has had this cough since the start of treatment  on and off for nine months of the year, if she gets a temp we see the Dr to fight it more.

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