Sunday, August 7, 2011

~ ♥Robyn's rough week ♥ ~

this last week we finally get Alex good enough to go back to school, where now there are 7 counts of Chicken pox :-/  on Monday Robyn had a cold so I stayed home with her by Wednesday she was feverish and I kept her home from Pre-school. she was ok most of the day so thought it would be a viral infection that would not need anything, Wednesday night she had a few severe coughing fits where she was gasping for breath so she went to the Dr on Thursday and I fearing the worst (whooping cough) get told she has Croup which can be worse as she could stop breathing plus Bronchitis so she gets put on a course of anti-biotic's as well as steroids for 3 days to clear it up. I was also advised any worse attacks to call 000 ASAP as it is life threatening :o  the Dr did a swab for whooping cough as well to rule it out but they where quiet positive it was not that as both girls are fully immunized, I had to take Robyn back today for the swab results and  so she could be checked to see if she was getting better, she is better but its a slow process so now on new anti-biotic's and an antihistamine, more money spent but all I want is her healthy, so small steps forward

On one good Note Alex still has her cough but she is well, I now have a cold to as the girls love sharing hehe but I to will soldier on :)

the small things that make my day are seeing my girls play happily and always looking out for each other, I am a blessed Mother to have them and am thankful for every day we get, as I see so many on this road that have it harder than we did and a couple that got it easier, that being said we are all cancer mums and we all feel the same fears what ever was done, we never know what tomorrow holds but all pray that these special children stay strong and grow up healthy and happy as possible.

hug your loved ones close and enjoy what you have 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your not having a good run! Hope their feeling better soon x