Sunday, July 29, 2012

July birthday Month

this is July our busy Birthday month in this house.
the 14th was My Birthday and 15th was Alexandria's big 8th birthday, we decided a party on the 22nd would be good with her friends and worked out well as most were busy on the 15th ♥ had everything sorted when one after another we dropped like flies with the flu, Daddy had it on and off for 4 plus weeks and then Robyn got it, High fever that would not break which went Croupy so she was home with us a couple of days, Alex didn't look like she was getting sick so she went to school the third day and then the fever hit her, and as she was vaccinated against the flu I hoped it would be mild but no she got it very bad, Fever, Vomiting, Vertigo and so on then after a few days the dr said they could go back to school, Alex got worse, she coughed up Blood, and it was from her lungs ( Pink and frothy ) so had to watch her but then she improved and finally went back to school but her party was postponed to the 29th so other some who were sick and others didn't get exposed,

Today Alex got to have her 8th Birthday Party at the local park with friends, it was a Very cold morning but the sun shone bright and warming so we had a wonderful day with everyone xx

looks like the flu is still hanging around and we could all get sick again but staying positive as its nearly August and we are going into the warmer side of winter so will be complaining about the heat soon enough haha
plus we have 4 months before we leave Sunny QLD and head back to South Australia and (HOME)  scary as need to find house and school etc, plus get to know new nurses etc at the new oncology department but this is our life and we follow Hubby (DADDY) where his Job sends him

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