Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Poem ~~ Riding the Storm

Riding the Storm by Michael McHugh

The winds howled and the sky grew dark. 

The storm hit and we were the mark.
The winds blew with exceeding force.
The storm would set our lives off course.

I begged this storm to not strike us, please.
For this storm was truly a terrible disease.
It hits with sudden force and there is no protection.
It is not choosy in making its selection.

Once chosen by this storm, there is no going back.
Your life will continually follow the treatment track.
Treatment is a battle with more than one side-effect.
And there is no guarantee of which plan will be correct.

The storm will ravage psyches of kids and spouses.
And lives will forever be changed inside those houses.
Hospitals, doctors, and prescriptions become a way of life.
And you will need to learn to handle emotional strife.

As the storm passes, rays of hope will appear.
But the threat of ensuing storms remain with those that are dear.
The sun will shine and life will be good.
Yet, the fear of wind and rain is always understood.

Living with cancer is like riding the storm.
Fear of recurrence is ever the norm.
One feels blessed with each day of life.
Now truly knowing the importance of being a mother and a wife.

Only God knows if the skies will remain blue.
Faith in Him must always shine through.
Life must be lived with joy in mind.
And pray that your body's cells will always remain kind.

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