Sunday, June 30, 2013

June....what a busy month

well today is the end of June and we will have school holidays and so forth to enjoy as well as staying worm over the winter colder days ahead.
so far in June I have posited that Alex's scans went well and we have referral for orthopedic surgeon for her feet issues plus dates already for next scans in late September and early October
the Wednesday after the scan date Alex's Dad had day surgery for a Hernia thanks to the pneumonia last year and collapsed lung so we had 2 weeks with him home recovering from that with a visit from Uncle ken in that time as well
girls had a quiz night with all cheer leading teams performing a show for the families
my studies are going well and have finished 2 photography courses in the middle as well
we also went to see Disney on Ice with my Cousin , her mum and niece so 3 kids with 3 adults and it was a great day out ♥

stay tunes for some adventures over the school holidays not much as the grandparents have said no to us visiting :(
but hey we have each other as a family and that is enough

hug your loved ones, we are on this planet for no given time and we make the most of our times together ♥♥♥

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