Thursday, July 7, 2011

a sad farewell to the chickens

today the chickens went to their new home, a friend took all 3 so they will have a good home, we have a ball running around the yard trying to catch them hehe but they all safely made their way to the box and into car for the trip to their new home

here are the last photo's of the girls  :'(

now we will see how long before we get into trouble for nothing, but at least we will not stress about this noise that the chickens make as if it was that bad, they are hens. girls are sad but trying to talk us into hermit crabs or something easy ( fish etc) to look after, so will wait a little while and sort out something

I am just so happy that I have 2 healthy children now and blessed with their love and attitude towards all that has happened. may we stay moving forward on this healthy road.

~♥♥♥Hug your loved ones close as you never know what tomorrow holds ♥♥♥~


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had to farewell your chooks :(

Unknown said...

at least the girls raised them from newly hatched chicks and we have photo's to look back on :)as for neighbours I am not going to worry about them our other neighbour told us off for giving in lol