Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

last week Alex had a bad week she was unsettled and emotional, the smallest thing set her off so I was on watch as so many things going around the school and well the town by Thursday she was not wanting to go to school and she never wants to miss school even when sick so I kept her home that day, they played quietly so I just watched her. she was feeling a bit better that afternoon so I allowed swimming lessons to go ahead as she does love swimming, Robyn may be moving up to Alex's level soon too :)

Thursday I also stick my nose into the books and did some studies slowly getting through the first part which I also have RPL (recognised Prior learning for admin side) I sat 2 tests and passed them but they are the small part before the final test and the end of the module.

on the weekend we didn't do much just set up for Halloween which is not an Australian tradition but looks like it is taking hold. Hubby made some tomb stones for out the front I set up the spider web and spiders on monday and then went trick or treating Monday afternoon

 the girls are very impatient for today to arrive,
we have been slowly stocking up on sweets and made chocolates for the girls :)
Alex and Robyn both dressed as witches and I wore the dress I had Made for a fancy Dress party last year as it is well made and different :)

Daddy had his mask from last post photo
we had 3 trick-or-treater's even before we left so hope all is OK while we are out
had 3 so far since getting home
we also got to go in a group this year so was nice to see the girls with friends

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