Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Still waiting on dental

Today Alex had her second dental appointment this month.
We had to do a rush visit to the doctors for a second scrips off antibiotics for the abscess as it had not gone down but got larger since last weeks appointment.

Today she was suppose to have the tooth deadened sounded like a root canal to me!
We get there early and straight in, after a quick check I am told No we need more antibiotics something stronger to fight this infection harder, then the dentist told me they will now pull both teeth as they have a slight shadow and could be sign of infection and do not want to cause future damage to her adult teeth.
So they start looking at dates to do this and two weeks was the date but Alex has scans and oncology visits that day so they look at next week. Cool I can re schedule Robyn's appointment.
They could not get through to male this appointment so we get told I will get a call with time, date and where we have to go. Alex went to school at lunch time and is a little tired but she is doing well.
I got call Alex's appointment and it's the week she has the scans and doctor's appointment, so two day away from school, but now I just need to keep an eye on her pain and stop her eating on that side, all I want to do is take it all away she has seen to much pain in her short life.
Both girls have been so good today

Me scanxiety is kicking in and I still have 2 week to go til the scans and I will take it like a trooper that Alex is and stand strong. This is our new normal scan time will trigger the worst images and thoughts but once I hear all stable it's such a large load off my shoulders

March may be fun filled relay  we get to join in :)
And a possible camp with other cancer families,
alex with her brave face even in some pain keeping food away from that side

a special smile from my baby girl ♥

our surviving cucumber plant doing very well


Anonymous said...

Hope they sort Alex's abscess asap!

Thinking of you with Alex's scans and appts coming up again x

Unknown said...

thanks and good luck with your scans too ♥

now just a waiting game and hope these antibiotics kick in asap