Wednesday, February 2, 2011

to stress or not!!!

this weekend has been full on with the girls fighting and screaming but to top it off Miss Robyn has been in pain with when she goes to the toilet this is setting alarm bells off as well UTI and kidneys are all interconnected, I will be taking her to the Dr and stressing that My older child had a wilms Tumor and that this can present in this way ARGH, I have been told by 2 different Dr's that yes it can run in families and No it does not I have tried to look it up online but no luck so I am hoping I am just a worry wart and that Robyn has a little dehydration with the QLD heat and not drinking enough water to flush her system

on top  of that Alexandria has been getting more headaches and they have her screaming at us about them, I have been told that unless she is vomiting from pain to just watch them but as she has a high pain thresh-hold I know she is suffering due to night time when she is sleeping the pain wakes her crying

on a good note Alex's headaches are possible due to the lovely Queensland heat  and humidity and that Robyn's issues are also due to these as she has no lumps in her abdomen but something we will need to keep an eye on.

this week is looking good with Alex getting  her immunizations (re boosters) on Friday ( robyn now due for her 4 year old ones too)   and may look at the art museum on the weekend just waiting to see where Hubby will be sent with the cyclone help either here or sent away as his work are the evac party  helping at both ends

yes QLD has been hit again with another natural distaster and this time a cyclone hitting Townsivlle and higher  catogory 5 :O I just hope everyone see's this storm through

yes its above us but still people can get hurt and it will effect an already hard hit Queensland state, I just wish I could do more
 Hubby has now put up his hand as what else can we do but help fellow australians out and that is what the defence are suppose to do ♥

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