Tuesday, June 2, 2009

big day

well yesterday was a big day of Dr. and chemo
Miss Alex was so good the night before but had a restless night and in the morning fought us with the cream and anti Nausea meds she did end up taking them though so that was good, we went in and things ran smoothly all day port access was quick a little trouble taking bloods though then the dr quick and straight out to start the chemo she was so good the did the small ones first 3 all up then the big one she has to be watched every 15 min in case things go wrong so was put on a bed I got the DVD player out for her to watch the 2 DVDs I bough as a surprise (Barbie's Fairytopia and Mermadia) she was happy,
Both Girls had a nap in the arvo and Miss Robyn woke up screaming ( wrong side of mummy lol) people looked at us so badly I felt like climbing under a rock as what was I to do can not put her in care on the long days as the centre closes before we get home most times :( Miss Alex slept through all this too, in the end Hubby took Miss Robyn for a walk as a 2 yr old will get board so easily :'( while they where gone I broke down but hid this from everyone, the chemo came to an end not long after this and they took the port access off as well as the surgical bandage from the scar and we got to see the incision for the first time very neat considering the size of the tumor they removed, she took another anti nausea wafer so that to was good.

I also spoke to the dietician and they want me to now make the pediasure up as per the instructions so I started that last night, Miss Alex threw up then refused it when we decided to go back to her normal milk refused that to and now we have the issue she will not take any so will just give it a try every day, this also means her meds ( bactrum are not getting taken either :( ) what can I do she refuses everything and was sick again this morning but took the anti Nausea meds after that happened so that was one good thing I guess.

Miss Robyn has also started to sound hoarse so hope its not a cold then she strips off pee's on the kitchen floor and runs around naked its not a warm day for this so after a fight got her dressed as I have no idea what Ill do if she gets a cold I would have to keep the girls apart and with us 3 staying in Brissy next week its going to be a disaster

I finally finished one of my assignments too but still have 4 to go and waiting on the study modules to arrive to get into them so hope I can finish them before deadlines

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