Thursday, February 11, 2010

Small Update

well all going well Alex had her first swimming week at school on monday she loved it and the teacher was happy with her, we also had a dedication night last night the 10th Feb with a BBQ before hand the girls had a ball and Hubby got to meet the teachers from alex's class.
we also almost had an accident on way home at the traffic lights it was a green light for us so I started to go through the intersection when we heard breaks screaching I paniced ( as you do with any incident and with girls in car) as this car would have hit me and Robyn on the drivers side ARGH  its funny as the other sida had a green light forst so the way this car was going had red for awhile not just changed??? anyway I floored it to get through and he stopped in the other half of the road so was close( to close for my comfort) but no injuries or damage to others ( thankfully)  Alex of course panicked as well {{hugs}}

today Hubby is home and alex wants to go to school early lol so I have done her breaky and lunch ready then we will head off to get her to school on time Miss Robyn can stay home with a sleepy Hubby haha teach him I dont get sleep ins so why should he lol ( mean I know lol)

as he is home I may get stuck into my studies and work on my last assignment as then I can pass or fail and move on lol , fitness is my next goal want to be healthy for the girls

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so relieved you were all okay!