Saturday, February 20, 2010

another week down and dealing with all the stress

well all has been pretty good (touch wood) And alex is enjoying school ( she has been picked on so they have a bully at the school and I will be talking to the teacher on monday about this.) they both will not sleep unless I hold them til they fall asleep I do love the closeness and that Mummy is the limelight but why now.. I have been stressed and mourning the last few weeks plus started talking more to Social workers that are on our case which is a good thing as I can get it out more,  talking really does help and I have been told to CRY as I need to sometimes, I am doing everything right but still feel I have done everything wrong,

"to all my friends I am so happy you are in my life as support as I so need you even just for a coffee and talk I can not explain what I am fully going through but just knowing people are there as an ear or shouldre are very much appreciated,"

sorry I have really not done much of an update am a little worried as we all have colds again (from the school) and Alex has scans wednesday and Dr Visit I am hoping that I may start her on Vitamins as she is not really eating much that would be giving her what she needs and hope the scans are clear still and stay that way the unknown is so not a good thing I just want to know we are at an end and well their is never a end when its Cancer :'(  I did donate to a friend doing the relay for life as Hubby was going to but he didnt get his registration in on time ??? may see if he can still get it in as this is our lives and we need to do this as giving back helps to make it a little more understood and helps others that I would not wish this on ♥

OK bath time for Girls and bed I hope then a nice evening with Hubby watching a movie :) so need a me day I think :(

I am also having some issues with my last assignment just have lost focus and only a few weeks to finish :(


Anonymous said...

So did you get to talk to the teacher on Monday about the bullying?

Good idea abouth the social workers, I was hesitant at first when Violet was born but found it great to talk to someone that didnt know me at all.

Unknown said...

Sarah Yes we did speak and we are not the first to complain so they are looking into it further and have spoken to his parents as a prep bully is starting early :(