Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Private dental to Public

I finally got a quote for Alex's teeth to be pulled $900+ :o so worked out what we would have to pay after health insurance and still $500 that we do not have and they want it paid up front so looked like next year with her having teeth aches all the time ARGH
anyway I decided to ring up the Queensland health and see about the school dental system 1. Alex has her own health care card due to us getting carers allowance ( this is not much but does take the edge of life etc) 2. she is a school child so if possible we may be able to get this done soon under the public system if not well will have to get a loan from the bank to cover the bill and get it done asap
I did call the RCH as well as she is a onco patient there so she may be able to go through their system Who Knows. but one less stress for the day

yes stress I had a melt down today due to so many things but this has helped calm me plus I am going to a seminar on Raising girls tonight with some mums from Alex's school as I am at a loss with Robyn she screams at me hits me Kicks and Bites me. also she is hurting Alex ALOT!!!!! and as Alex still has her port-a-cath it is scary sometimes when it gets knocked in a fight or accident, I am trying 2 different approaches
1. ignore her and keep doing the right thing with this she comes up and starts hitting or kicking me for attention
2. the time out chair this she screams for about 20-30 min + and when she is ready to say sorry or calm down with in minutes she is back to it
3. the reward system they get a gold coin ( pirate coins lol) and can trade them once they get 10  this is hard as Alex does get more for good deeds etc but we try and make it even so Robyn doesn't see favouritism, so she ends up winning us over!!!  or you tell her to be good and she will say I am (yell it at you) but you just can not reason with her
 I am so drained by it all that I end up yelling and this is something I DO NOT WANT TO DO!!! I so want to be the good mum and I so love both my girls but wow I have an angel and the demon from hell in 2 different children  Robyn does have her good days though when she is so sweet and caring but  she has meltdowns every day if things do not go to plan or her way!!!!!

any way we are all good Tired but good, still trying to work out what is going on about my dad's stuff etc but no one knows. I still worry and care about my sister but can not talk to her as I am over the blame I will except I have ruined her life by being the eldest and her sister she doesn't need me to drag her down to my sain level of Life ("insane, totally bonkers, But I'll tell you a secret all the great people are a little crazy" love that bit from Alice in wonderland :) my wording may not be exact)

moving on we are getting 2 chickens from the school Alex has asked for a black one and white one ( still yellow lol) here is a picture of them all at school

Mr. Frog

the girls got scooters last weekend 1 for Robyn finally toilet training and Alex being a great big sister. but Robyn had issues she always wants Alex's bike even if it says Alex go figure so they have no names now are are identical...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would think RCH would be able to see Alex for her dental too. Violet goes thru Westmead here and we haven't had to pay a cent as yet.

Hope the seminar helps. I recently did a positive paretning program for similar reasons. Trouble is it doesn't include children that may have behavioural probs, it is all based on the average kid.

How cute are the chicks!