Saturday, April 17, 2010

☆♥~ keep moving forward ~♥☆

Well we have not heard about the CT Alex had on Wednesday so am hoping it is "No News is Good new"  but just as I started to relax last night, Alex had an accident she bumped the port-a-cath that is slightly red due to the tape they use ( she is now showing signs of a allergic reaction to it ARGH)  and it was inflamed so me being me stressed we called the after hrs No. for Banksia and they said to watch it and her and bring her in if it gets bad or temps start to rise, Hubby just said I was being silly and almost started a fight but I backed down and walked away trying to stay positive as the last time he said that it was not gas etc but CANCER!!! and I will always stress about the girls health after this.

Sorry needed to vent

Now back to me positive looking at a wonderful time we will be having in a few weeks for Alexandria's Make-a-wish with lots of love and hugs and hopefully some relaxing times for all.

have been going through old Home movies we got the video camera in Sepetmber 2004 so its good to look at Alex as a 2 month old hehe have decided to burn them to DVD so as they are only VCD have been busy but hoping it works

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always better to be careful and alert when it comes to their health. I don't blame you for being worried at all.