Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sick :(

well we got into see the Dr and Alex has the Start of bronchitis with a infected throat and ears ,what next so he gave me penicillin as she is allergic to Ceftriaxone and he was hoping she is not to penicillin so I called Oncology back and they said wait to get meds at first as I had to speak to the Dr but to keep an eye on Alex for any change (Temp tiredness etc) so we went home and Robyn had a nap The Dr called me back about 2 hrs later and said start the antibiotics but still keep an eye on her so I went to the chemist to get the script filled. the Dr's instructions where twice daily so I thought morning and evening so didn't start them straight away...

around 3.30pm Alex was playing quietly as she is sick she is a little lethargic but not enough to stress about, she was playing with the thermometer and it started beeping fast ( saying HIGH TEMP so I did it again 2 more times plus with another thermometer and YES it was 38.4 so I ring Oncology to see what they want and well Hospital to be sure she is ok. so I get everything ready to head in (forgot the portable DVD off all things ARGH) we arrived at the hospital around 5.10pm and they isolated her straight away and her temp on way in went up to 39.6 so was climbing. we got settled in the cubical (oncology one luckily as it has a TV lol so Alex was Happy ) then emla (numbing cream) was put on her port for 30-50min so they can access it and get bloods so waiting around for this the Dr checked her over and she was more lethargic and they just wanted to keep an eye on her. he was also worried about her ears and throat as they where red and sore,  after the wait the cream was removed and this started Alex of screaming (Her Normal when its anything to do with needles etc)  the accessed but could not draw blood NOT GOOD so they removed the needle and set up again to do it again and still no luck I was so stressed by now I almost fainted and well its a children's hospital and they are not set up to help adults so I sat down I was so stressed that My Baby girl was going through this they de-accessed the port without heplocking it and said they would do a cannula in her arm so more waiting once cream was on, they came in to put cream on her but she started to get very upset so they decided to skip the cream as she would scream anyway and just get the bloods needed so that was what they did.all done in minutes and we could sit back and relax a little.

Alex dosed while we waited then she perked right up a good sign for us the Dr came in and said its Viral more than likely and we should be home tonight cool and I asked about the antibiotics our Dr gave us and they said no due to her reaction to Ceftriaxone she could be allergic to penicillin too so they gave me some other antibiotics that she can have.  Alex's bloods came back good not high but in the normal and her neutrophils where 5.1 so that's excellent :) so we finally get out of the hospital at 9pm and are happy to head home she is asleep by that time and I give her meds then bed I then settled Robyn and bed for her while Hubby gives me the third degree well I know he just wanted all the details but sometimes when I am stressed I feel like he is blaming me for putting Alex through it all, 

It was a long night with a very unsettled Alex but she got up this morning and NO TEMP since 7am woohoo so its a start and now if she is good tomorrow school like the Dr said, she is happy to go back now though, I took Robyn to Childcare at least so we have a quiet day...

we have to let oncology know about her port at our next visit as it is possibly blocked and this could mean removal so I hope if they do have to remove it then she doesn't have a relapse to have another put in but at least cannula's can be used at every CT which are 3 monthly so our visits may get further apart??? am very worried about the port but must focus on the here and now, Tomorrow is a new day so we take one at a time

Sorry for the drawn out update but had to get it all out :(

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