Monday, April 12, 2010

Let the Count down begin

Alex's Make-a-Wish is now in 26 days and all details are in we will have a special day when they come around or meet somewhere special to present her with it all :)
we will try keep focused on the good time we will have soon. with Peter's Birthday  in 25 days and Mothers day is in 27 days haha a good week to do things :) we plan to do the Outback Spectacular as Alex loves Horses ( Just like her mummy lol and Sister so thats a family trait in my blood haha) this will be all the birthdays etc we missed last year ( My 40th Alex's 5th Peters 36th and mothers day and Fathers day all together Miss Robyn was the lucky one hehe being before and after treatment so we did something for her but she will also be involved ♥ would never make her miss anything as she has also suffered in her own way like everyone in this family)
I have also been told I will get to do the dolphin part with Alex :)

Alex also has her CT on wednesday the 14th, only 2 days away, with a Visit to Dr Tim Hassall as well Alex does love her Dr :)  even though we are only in there every 6 weeks its still something I hate doing as I just wish it was gone with no chance of return but No.  she hates port access etc as she has such a big break and screams the Banksia Outpatience Oncology dept down I know others do to but this is My big Baby Girl and I hate hearing her upset. this is something I am not looking forward to but think it will be good and no growth well I must stay Possitive. this is my new motto to stay possitive and hope it attracts good and Possitive as I have been having bad dreams and well so has Alex :( but hers are kids dreams about things she dont like (Bats, Monsters etc hehe we have bats fly over here every night lol) so the other night we had all 4 of us in one bed OMG what a squishy night but was great to be so close, Alex hates it if I go to far she has become a real Mummy's Girl wanting me with her for everything which can be hard as Daddy can not deal with Robyn :( I so want to be there with her though like every mother ♥

Pete had a mate from NSW well we knew him there but he now lives in the NT come around Friday night the 9th April was good to see him and to see Hubby relax some as he was able to talk, this guy is a father and was unsettled at what Alex had been through but well it Happens and we have to live one day at a time and move forward, what else do we have,

so we can now officially start to look forward to Alex's Special week and make lots of great Memories for us all Even Robyn

* must remember to charge batteries for Cam corder and Camera hehe as need lots of Photos for family and friends in SA that miss out on everything

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make-a-wish sounds very exciting. My brother has been to the Outback Spectacular and he loved it!

Can't wait to see all your pics!

Thinking of you for CT on Wednesday.