Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dr and scan Day

over the last few days I have been a emotional mess like always before this visit and scans as I just do not know what will happen but also just praying for the best outcome, what ever we do get we will deal with it as well we have to but its always a wait to hear as we see the Dr soon after the scans so we never find out  which is good the No News is Good news so here's hoping that I don't get a call this week...

Alex has also been fighting a cold still she sort of bumped it before we had Make-a-wish but not its back just sniffles and a sore throat so I kept her home on Tuesday feeling bad about it but she was not her normal sparky self at 7.30am she was lethargic which sets of warnings to me but she is not to bad so was on alert to make sure she stayed stable no temps etc.  I gave her the demazin I know she can have to help and told the Dr about it at the appointment,

Today we had the Dr visit plus Ultrasound and X Ray for Alex this was running late due to some tech problems so had a little wait with fasting but all was ok they where happy that it all looks good :) X Ray was clear too :) plus she had to have her port accessed as normal but due to the last attempt with not being able to draw blood out this was no issue today but as they flushed it the needle moved and fluid went into the skin which was very painful and made the port swell,. Alex loves seeing her Dr (Dr Tim Hassall)  he is a wonderful Dr/ oncologist and really treats the children great, so glad we used our private health insurance to stay with one Dr. I had a few extra questions also for the Dr like immunizations and her feet she is really pigeon toed now and slaps her feet down ( the slap feet is a side effect from chemo though) so he got the physio to check her out and we will be getting an Ortho appointment in the next few weeks and then Hydro if she doesn't start to improve, but think this will help her heaps

This week we have also hit the 6 month mark since Chemo Finished a small milestone but a milestone, so we should know soon what Immunizations are required etc and so forth, Dr Tim is sending our Dr the schedule for this so we will be crossing that bridge soon.

another anniversary for me this week is that My Mum will have been gone 20 yrs so this also added to my emotional state of mind as its 11 months since dad passed last year too.  I just wish I had them both here for the Call I know my mum would have been here to help if she could she never met her grand children ( my girls are the only ones so far) and Dad only met Alex before she was 2 and he did love them both♥

Pete also cut his hand today between the pinky and the ring finger so not a good spot but he is seeing the Dr about that tomorrow so hope its all OK,

we have also now gone to 8 weekly appointments from 6 weekly so that is a small jump but something positive for us :) I feel so happy about this as it means things are staying stabble and that we can relax a little but we must still remember that cancer is a pig of a disease that it Hides and can come back at any time, there is no cure but we just hope that Alex never see's it start again in her lifetime and that she can live a happy healthy Full Life

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As do I! I hope and pray Alex remains cancer free over the years.

You would never be able to relax I would think it would be so hard.

8 weekly appointments definately a + thing.

Thinking of you about your anniversary of your mums passing.

Hope Pete's finger will be okay!