Saturday, May 22, 2010

School Award

well Alex was feeling better today so I sent her to school she still has a headache but filled the teacher in on her slight concussion
I stayed again for assembly and Prime time which Alex's class and year 1's as a group sang this little light of mine so cute  (I didnt video it this time as my small camera had flat batteries and the phone was not to good but did get some Photos, she also got her 1st school achievement award and you should have seen her she was so happy even Miss Robyn called out "Hey Allie ♥"

here are a few other photos from our make a wish week that are from the days I have already done

we are back if for the next scans on wednesday so hope its another no change for Alex she hates going as they needle the port to keep it accessable

*Top is Alex with her Certificate
** Left the girls with stuff from the Aqua Duck
888 the 2 below are the girls wearing the hats you get at the Outback Spectacular

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at her face, she is so pleased with herself and so she should be!

Love the photos of the girls in the outback spectacular hats!