Wednesday, November 10, 2010

surgery for teeth

we have a big day on Friday Alex has to fast with only clear fluids from 7am book in at 11am at the RCH and then hope all goes well
she still has that dreaded cough but no one is worried ( except me of cause) and the abscess is still there and looks horrid
Alex is a little scared about it all but I have told her the tooth fairy is waiting for these bad teeth and she wil be ok Mummy will be there when she needs me ♥
Hubby and Robyn are staying home as the hospital is a hard place for a 3.5 yr old to keep entertained.

so wish us luck and hope all goes to plan and Alex is feeling better soon

I did some research about the teeth side effects and she may have a few due to still having her baby teeth with Radiation and Chemo but at least these are not as harsh a treatment we can deal with them one step at a time.

♥♥♥ remember to hug and kiss your loved ones every day and any time you feel like it the world is a roller coaster and no one knows what tomorrow holds for any of us ♥♥♥

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