Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2 years since diagnosis

it is now 2 years since we first found out Alex could Have Cancer it was a Sunday and it took me a week to get into a Dr as she was classed as not urgent. I finally got into see someone about the strange lump in her upper right side, just under her rib cage, the Dr said a lump (tumor but hopefully a fat deposit) then we had to have an Ultrasound on Monday Urgent!! . and we got the devastating news that it was cancer after a 15 hour visit with the Dr and radiology then 2 hospitals but here we are standing Strong and she is a healthy 6 year old enjoying life to the Max :)
March 2009
October 2009 ^
March 2011 v
how they grow in so short a time ♥

last weekend we were to meet the lovely ladies that will be the girls companions at camp, we only got to meet Alex's Companion Emilie (Em), she is a radiologist who loves camps :) and looking forward to the time with the girls their room will have 3 children and 3 companions ♥ and the roster of fun looks like everyone will have a great weekend, ( Alex has just come down with a cough the one that shows up all the time but Dr's do not worry about so we got cough med's to try combat it before the weekend or we need to cancel AGAIN!!!!!) we also sorted out their costumes for the Disco that the camp had  well sort of hehe now to make it before friday( Dinosaur theme ♥)  Alex loves long necks so we tried to make something to fit and Robyn was a flier ( like pee-tree {sp} from land before time, yes my girls love those movie's ), so a fun filled weekend of Paper Mache for us ROFL and a nice mess to clean up.  Alex went to the Dr on Monday as that cough is still around and like normal it is all good she has a BAD chesty cough but the lungs are clear and she is fine????????? Dr thinks its a small issue thanks to Radiation on her abdomen and possibly getting the lower part of her lungs  we get this cough about 9 out of 12 months  and I stress every time. now to wait and see if Camp will happen, as I do not want to put ANY child at risk, The Dr said all should be OK to wait til Wednesday and then call Camp Quality if she is worse :( I hope both girls will be well and that they can enjoy their first camp, but I will be calling tomorrow if Alex is still not 100% even if its Just the cough and see what they suggest :)

Yesterday I also went and seen someone about my issues ( stress etc possible PTSD) looks like I have consolidated grief where it builds up over my whole life and I just have not grieved over it yet so will be working on that and staying Positive "as they say a positive mind brings Positives  so lets hope it works

what will Mummy and Daddy do on the weekend without their 2 princess's to keep us busy!!!! SLEEP is the highest on the list hehe something we have not had alot of in way to long but will be nice to sit and talk, watch a movie or just re-connect again♥ but I can see us both worrying about the girls and not really relaxing. 
last week we also got our first free range EGG from Miss Lee-Lee, she has laid one every day now since last Wednesday so a week now, so we enjoy fresh eggs now and save a couple of $$ by not buying them


Mobile photo. ^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow 2 years!

She is a little trooper!

Sorry to hear about the continuing effects from her various treatments must be very hard.