Monday, March 7, 2011

dental check up for 2011

last year Alex had issues with her teeth and lost 3 ( one was wobbly) and had 2 capped and another filled but we will always have issues with her teeth so it is best to keep on top of it now so she had another check up today at the school dental :)  now she is getting her adult teeth we really need to be aware of what is ahead ( we hope to be lucky but so far no), todays Check-Up went very well with no cavities :D and the only issue was a fill in as part had fallen out from last years ( so no needles etc hehe an easy treatment for us all)  they also have given us some GC Tooth Mouse for Alex to use after any high acidic drinks etc to help her teeth enamel fight back so this will go on every night plus any time she has orange juice or lemonade etc to prevent the softening of the enamel.

she has been good with everything that gets thrown at her a big 6 year old now she defiantly is... But we also have the issue she has a strong pain thresh hold so when she is hurt it can be worse than it looks to the outside, but when she sleeps it falls apart  she has been like this right through chemo and radiation would not complain and when she went down hill it was fast as she fought the pain and just wanted to have fun etc ♥

Got notification that the Mayor will not make the shave on Friday but I had sort of guessed he would be busy as well he is the Mayor, but we will have Cr Cheryl Bromage the local member join us and she will be representing the mayors office too :)

photos from McDonald's at Lunch Time 
before Alex went back to school for the day...

I also got Conformation from Quilts 4 Kids that Alex is on their waiting list for a quilt she will so love this :) I am adding their link to my pages to others can see this wonderful site that helps so many Children Australia wide ♥♥♥

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