Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November Already

Wow can not believe its November already, we have 3 weeks til Miss Alex's last dose of Chemo and so far all is great. Alex got a visit from Make-a-Wish and she has put in her wish to Make-A-Wish and we are just waiting to see where it goes She so wanted to feed dolphins but they said she was to young and that it is done down in Coffs harbour, I looked up on sea-world as we have tickets to go soon for us all and she may just get in for a swim with me and the Dolphins it will be something we both will cherish ♥ so I can save the money if not she can go alone and we will have the photos and her happiness... this I would do just for her, and our memories ♥♥ Alex asked for a beach holiday and Dolphin feeding!  sea-world do swim, she had a back up wish we had to talk her into like a castle cubby house but we just needed it built so we could dis assemble when we move in 2-4 years time joys of the life we lead.

Halloween has gone by and I took Miss Alex out trick or treating ( yes I know its not really an Aussie thing but so televised) she had a great walk around our local area and even though tired thought it great :)

this week was our third to last chemo week next week is a week off but we also had more ultra sounds and Xray's to keep an eye on those lymph nodes on the Aorta but they seem to be shrinking :D so thats a good thing plus her only remaining Kidney has grown also a good thing (mummy does a happy dance)

Both girls ended up with Croup but it has passed with no major issues in this house. No new news though just waiting on Scan results ( gotta say I hate the waiting but hope the no news is a good thing) Miss Alex keeps asking when her hair will grow back and all I can say is soon think its a Christmas wish hehe she wants to have hair...

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