Wednesday, June 9, 2010

physio appointment and feet casting

Today we headed in to the RCH, yet another trip into Brisbane and this kills us due to fuel etc but we get by ( no funding to help us here as we are just under the 50km hospital to hospital we are a little further but that is how they assess it, we ended up closing the Xmas account as needed money for the 2 trips will re-open after Xmas now :(  ) I had to find the place as it is in the surf Building like DEM is but as its day time could walk through the hospital not around hehe, was not hard to find and we waited for Ann-Marie  to see us, she had got the ortho as well from The RBWH (Royal Brisbane Women's RCH, RBWH & RBH are all next to each other and sort of joined ) they where happy that Alex was not as bad as some kids get after Chemo etc but she definitely has slap-foot just 1 of the 2 signs, so a cast was taken as she is smaller than the inserts they have in stock so they make them to fit the smaller ones, if all goes well will be able to pick up the inserts tomorrow if not in a week or 2, Alex got scared as they made the casts wrapping her feet in plaster hehe she was good though, we will be reviewed again at a later date to make sure she is getting better, while up there I grabbed the 4 Camp Quality Jumpers we got and OMG are they huge 2 at size 3XL and Alex size 8 Robyn Size 4 well the only one that fits is the 4 and it fits Alex ROFL, the 3XL is down to my knee's and very Cossie hehe so will see what I do may gift them ???
Alex was a little upset as her Prep class have a school excursion today too she missed but its not something they have been learning so that is good she is inviting all her friends for her birthday I think it is sweet she has friends this year and can have a party we are just doing a small thing something princess fairies and pirates for the boys I guess lol will have to sit down and see what I can drag together hehe have a few weeks to go

Tomorrow we will be back in at the RCH for the Flu shot as Alex is getting the seasonal shot and Robyn the H1N1 she is under 5 so can not get the seasonal one plus I have to pay for her to have it but Alex is High risk so gets it anyway. both girls hate needles but this is one of many ahead for Alex now she is cleared to start her Immunization  updates thanks Chemo for wiping them and not looking forward to having her get them all again I so feel like a bad Mother for doing this to her :( but it will be good for us due to I will have peace of mind in knowing she is safe from some childhood illness's that they prevent, and with her at school hopefully not miss to much this year other than the appointment days etc :)

Edit to add:-  just called the hospital about immunizations etc as Alex is 5 almost 6 and she was to have the seasonal flu shot but now is just having the standard H1N1 shot as she is young plus higher risk so not getting seasonal shot now am glad I called and asked about that ( it does pay to be a pushy mother when your child's health is at stake I feel bad sometimes but seams I am doing well to follow my instincts even from the first signs I picked it up )  "if I had known this last week I could have got them done locally as this one is free to all but as I am booked in and have a immunization schedule to pick up will just bite the bullet and drive back to Brisbane"

Hug your Children close and pray for those fighting this battle ♥

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hello, I'm a fellow Wilm's mom, saw your blog address on "My Child Has Cancer" on facebook.

Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. Message me on facebook if you ever need anything, I've done it once, and well, then twice. So I know both chemo protocols, the standard and the aggressive.

You can do this, each day, you will do it.