Monday, June 28, 2010

☆ Stress !!!!!! ☆

^I^The Partial Lunar Eclipse on Saturday Night^I^

STRESS!!! and Blues

I have been speaking to a counselor from Cancer council as I have the Cancer Blues sort of depression. I do not wish harm on anyone even myself but I do Blame myself for having Cancer in my family. plus I have other issues like the "What if"  "Why" and of cause "What Next" plus others that go through my head that I can not answer even now.

STRESS  -  we all have it at one time or another, sometimes more than others too and then there are the Triggers... as a cancer mum I have heaps and have been going through them one at a time this last 2 months

Anniversaries -  are a big Trigger, all of them like surgery, Radiation, the death and disappearance of my dad, diagnosis date, they have all happened over the last few months and do make you sad and stressed as you remember then the think patern starts doing silly things.
plus when someone we know loses a loved one be it for any reason then also the Cancer Kids that get diagnosed or lose the fight these too set off the stress and blues.  must say it has been good to talk to the counciler about these things she is happy I am trying most things as I feel it coming on plus I have a wonderful Husband who also is suffering in silence but lets me know when I am getting bad ♥ 

I have been working on controlling these outbreaks with things like meditation, breathing, changing my chain of thought and getting out when I can (Belly Dancing hehe) which do help I also am a Face book addict as I get on my farm and just go for it without thinking of the things we are dealing with. I also follow a few Families on this site or which I have been told is good due to we are all dealing with similar things so understand each other and we are a good support network, most of my support is online and half are Over seas. but I do have a few close friends standing by me when I need that shoulder or just someone to talk too. 

 I so pray to see a cure one day soon for this and so many other battles our Children go through and I am just Happy I have my 2 girls here to Hug Tight every Night and know tomorrow is unknown grounds but we just need to keep going forward and make the most of what we have enjoy it for what it is and treasure every minute

 I finally got a laminator and have laminated the Newspaper clipping with difficulty as the laminator hated doing it Grrr and also some other things like flash cards for reading etc, I also have Alex's Hair I want to do this special so trying to make a template for it to back it up  ...I have her First Hair Cut in late 06 when I trimmed her fringe plus 07 her first real haircut, plus when we cut it short after Chemo started April 09 so will be something to look back on may use her hand Print or something

Hug your Children Tight ♥♥♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally understand your worries and sadly I think they will never go away when you have a child with a medical condition. I too reflect on dates, anniversaries, birthdays etc. It's something that will never leave our minds.

Stay strong Mazz. Thinking of you as always.