Thursday, July 8, 2010

Homeward bounds

We had ultrasound at 12. They were running a little late, they checked everywhere (so i thought) all looked good so back to room to wait for Dr. 2 hrs later and then we are wanted back at ultrasound so off we go again. They did not check the nodes as they lie in a hard position to see and Now every time we have ultrasound we have to tell them to check just below the renal artery as that is not an area they check unless they are told, the nodes no change but look smaller than ct this does not mean they are as the CT Gets a clearer picture, but they are stable still. One big sigh from mummy after hearing that, Dr finally arrive and was thinking to keep her over night on antibiotics but they decided to let us go home. So antibiotics go through iv one last time, then flush and heparin before de access. Then down to pharmacy before 5pm for oral antibiotics and then hit the highway in peak traffic.

Alex has ordered pizza for dinner so why not hehe after hospital food lol 

Note to self re-park bag as you just never know when its needed again. I will always worry suppose its the cancer mum motto worry about everything as we know the hard truth about the disease our children have, call me paranoid if you want i am not ( yes feel it a lot) but must cover every base (will i ever relax no its always going to be there but i can make the most of what i have)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad ultrasound looks stable. Hope CT will confirm stability too.

Hope her UTI clears up with her AB's.