Monday, July 26, 2010

Infection confirmed...

We ended up going to a clinic and getting Alex checked out under oncology orders they decided they want to know asap if it is UTI and start her on Antibiotics asap. we will know fully in 3 days.
we only just got in, had to wait around for 2 hrs ( better then DEM here in Ipswich would have been 6+ ) she went to toilet while waiting which I got a cup to get the sample before I needed to fight for one. but then I noticed a discharge also in her underpants, this freaked me out but as the scans the other week where clear or no change I was thinking infection, we got in just before close and they had prelim results on her Urine sample
she had a definite infection with blood present and a few other things but no ketones, so we signed of on getting results which will be 3 days, and antibiotics then home. we are on watch for fevers and so forth but will be at the RCH on Wednesday for the CT so if she spikes a fever its RCH asap that way we are there for the needed scan etc and they will do fluids etc to help flush her system, just hope its nothing serious causing the UTI, she will stay home tomorrow just in-case she has accidents etc and I can watch her this way too.

Ok I am off to bed as well the next 24-36 hrs are going to be busy...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear infection has been confirmed :(

Will be thinking of you for the CT on Wednesday.

Hope her temp stays stable.

Sally said...


I think of you and your gorgeous Alex all the time.

I'm sorry to read she has an UTI, fingers crossed that it clears up very quickly.

All the very best for Wednesday. I will be thinking of you.

Sally xox

Unknown said...

Sarah and Sally Thanks
she had a restless night think her tummy was sore but she slept in my bed in the end then Robyn too long night with 4 in a queen bed lol girls take up most lol

one day at a time and small steps forward,

Sally hope everyone is good ♥