Monday, July 26, 2010

no more issues Please.......

We had Alex sick with a UTI 3 weeks ago, and now looks like its back just waiting on a call back from our Oncologist as to what we should do next, we are in on Wednesday anyway for CT and bloods plus Dr appointment, so its just to see what they want to do, she is saying it hurts when she does No.1 and she eats Yoghurt etc and drinks lots of water, hope its nothing, but I do stress on everything (sometimes feel like a hypochondriac ) I do know its an issue for kidneys etc when they have UTI's etc and well she only has one Kidney!!! so am only making sure she is looked after so we can stay healthy and move on ♥ I am a good Mother and just looking out for my Girls (Both)

we also have Miss Robyn sick with a cold not bad just a viral infection Dr is happy with just panadol etc for her so no meds :)


Anonymous said...

Hope they can get her UTI sorted asap.

Gorgeous photos of both the girls.

Unknown said...

thanks back on antibiotics see the oncologist wednesday and she has blood etc in her urine sample so we are watching for any issues :( so stressful but know its just an infection ( well I so hope it is )