Friday, July 2, 2010

☆ Worries ☆

yes I am worried Alex has been getting Tummy aches alot lately similar to when we first found out about the lump but we have a scan on the 28th so am waiting for that as have been told its scar tissue repairing etc so hope this is true, she was upset last night so much that she slept with us and ended up kicking Daddy out of the bed lol, Robyn joined us at 3am like she always does hehe  ( I am always worried and anything like this sets of the Big alarm bells )and I think I have started to get scanxiety already and we have almost 4 weeks to the scan, getting port accessed next wednesday so may just ask the nurses at Banksia to see what I should do!!!

on a different note Robyn has bought a tummy Bug home from pre-school (child care)( this too could be making Alex have a sore tummy) and as Robyn will not wear nappies during the day now we are having No.2 accidents but no No. 1 so it is a step forward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So hard not to worry! I am the same before any of my MRI's!

Really hope the tummy pain isn't something sinister. Thinking of you xxx