Monday, January 18, 2010

Ending's And Beginning's

Just after the fall on friday
well I have had to stand tall and make some hard decisions and the hardest was to cut all ties with my sister, the negativity that she spreads is hard to live with and we do not need that in our lives plus the use of my daughters to get to me will end now. I have made this choice as I am not her parent and I owe her Nothing she had so much when I had nothing I still got through it all but she thinks she helped me, with what charging 3 times the amount for fuel to drive me some where I always paid straight away but still owe... for me giving her discounted fairs in the taxi ( only covering the owners share not getting anything for me and being at her beck and call when she wanted me but disowning myself and dad til she lost everything, I know she drinks but she tells the world that I do not drink any more then in the same breath will say I have not eaten today but had a can of Jim beam, I wish her all the best in life but she will not destroy mine anymore she is one person on one income and earns more than we do... we are 4 living on one income and need the rent , car, health insurance that has to be paid.

I am HAPPY and love my little family and I do not care who is jealous of that fact as we make our own lives and "not others", we chose the road we take "Not Others", we must live with our decisions "Not Others", if we want more we work for it not throw blame as that only causes more issues as we are not dealing with the real reason we are not happy...

we are a family of 4 on 1 income, and we do well with what we have. we are going to have family fun times over the next year as now is our time, last year was hell and we need to recover, this year will be special with whatever is thrown at us :)  ♥♥♥

above are some photos of the girls I took  am doing a photo a day challenge to try improve my photography  slowly getting better


Anonymous said...

I think even tho it's such a tough decision, sometimes it is the only decision...

Like you said you need to do whats best for your family and need + vibes.

Unknown said...

thanks I am moving forward and going to make our family life happy and full of happy times as we enever know what is around the corner and last year has shown us that things can change in a second