Friday, January 22, 2010

☆weekend and Happiness☆

well friday is here and this weekend it the Australia day weekend so it is special to us especially as Hubby is in the defence, and we are proud Aussies ♥
Wednesday Robyn had Child care again she loves going and next week will be my first me day OMG what will I do with myself I have never had a day to me since having the girls (I will miss them both :( sad I know but I love them so much lol♥) so Alex and myself got stuck into cleaning the house I used space bags to put all the stuffed toys away and now they take up 1/4 of the space hehe saves me throwing them away but I was nice and left some out, think I need to get some toy tubs to do a change of toys every week or so so the girls only have some out at a time???

Thursday Alex's school books arrived  so now have to cover them hehe what fun lol also we finalized all Alex's school things fee's etc as we went private with her was kicking the budget but am happy with my choice of schools. got uniforms and so forth we have books to cover soon too argh but will be nice she will love school, will take a photo next week of her dressed in her uniform too ♥

Friday (today ) not much happened during the day but  tonight I am going out with some friends on a girls night we all needed a good time away from the every day and this is it :)  we are having dinner and drinks ( non alcoholic for me as I am driving there and not a big drinker anyway lol) but will be good to get away from the normal mum etc lol.. Hubby is great and is feeding the girls and watching them til I get home??? not sure how long I will be out for though hehe
Saturday is Miss Robyn's 3rd Birthday  "Happy Birthday Little Princess♥"
was suppose to have a few people come but long weekend etc everyone had plans so will be a fun family day :) I got her a icecream freddo cake (green lol) and will be doing the photography mum thing lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope Robyn has a great 3rd Birthday!

Can't believe I will also be having a "me" day as Violet starts preschool the same day as Emily starts Year 4. I won't know what to do with myself, I know I will definetly spend most of the day stressing about Violet.

Enjoy your weekend and Australia Day!