Saturday, January 16, 2010

*~* For want of a good weekend*~*

Well the weekend is here and I am staying positive trying to not let others get me down this world gives everyone something to deal with and we need to stand tall and work out how to get through it these are always hard but its life and we have to deal with it and can not throw blame on others.

Yesterday Miss Robyn climbed up the computer chair back and was trying to get something from the bench when tragedy struck she went flying big time and now has concussion ( and we had a almost 5 hr wait in emergency dept here in Ipswich)  I think I panicked more then I needed to but after what we have been through and seen I always do with both girls

Today I am just going to rest as I got home at 6am Hubby got up after a small nap to keep Alex entertained while I had a small sleep with Robyn. Robyn is fine just headaches and I have to keep eye out for some small things and big ones too over a 48 hr period from incident... suppose I have given some dirt for my sister to use by Robyn getting hurt she always thinks I am a bad mother, plus as we have Make-a-wish coming up something else we have taken advantage off ( but its funny as Alex would not have got it if she was not entitled to any of this)

Hubby has decided to do the RELAY FOR LIFE this year so will be chasing donations for the cancer council once his registration goes through. I wanted to do it as well but have decided on the pink run in may :) we are giving back to the cancer societies even as we still use them :)


Anonymous said...

Hope Robyn is okay and recovers well from the concussion.

When I was in hospital with Violet on Saturday and Sunday, there were 3 seperate kids there that had all had falls and concussion. Sometimes things just happen way too quickly.

Are you on FB? If so do a search on me! Sarah Bull Clark

Unknown said...

Have sent you an email with details as could not find you :)